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Transformation Starts Here...

Education. Non-Profit. Corporate.

At The Institute for Anti-Racist Education, Inc. , we are dedicated to empowering educators and organizations through our dynamic and impactful workshops. Whether you prefer a virtual setting or an in-person experience, our expert facilitators bring a wealth of knowledge and practical strategies to every session.

Why Choose Our Workshops?

  • Led by Experienced Facilitators: Our workshops are guided by trained professionals with deep expertise in anti-racist and transformative education practices.
  • Interactive Learning: Engage with our facilitators and peers in live, interactive sessions that foster meaningful discussions and hands-on learning.
  • Customizable to Your Needs: We offer private, customizable workshops tailored to meet the unique needs of your organization or school.

Join us in creating more inclusive, equitable, and joyful educational environments. Explore our range of workshops and discover how we can support your journey towards transformation.

Transform the World Together

Join us in creating more inclusive, equitable, and joyful educational environments. Explore our range of workshops and discover how we can support your journey towards transformation.

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Professional Development

Professional Development for Teachers and Administrators

At the core of our mission is the commitment to fostering educational environments that are just, inclusive, and liberating. Our workshops are designed to challenge traditional practices that perpetuate inequalities and to empower educators, leaders, and artists with the tools to create spaces of healing, growth, and transformation. Whether you are a K-12 educator, school leader, artist, or part of a nonprofit organization, we offer professional development sessions that meet your unique needs while pushing the boundaries of what education can achieve. Included are the following categories:

  • Inclusive Teaching Practices: Strategies and tools to create a more inclusive classroom environment.
  • Leadership in Education: Developing effective leadership skills to guide and inspire school teams.
  • Curriculum Development: Designing and implementing curricula that reflect diverse perspectives.


We offer workshops that critically examine how traditional schooling can perpetuate oppression and racism. Through reflection activities and practical strategies, participants will learn to recognize both the potential harm and transformation in their own educational practices. These workshops are designed for anyone looking to move beyond the status quo and engage with anti-racist and abolitionist pedagogies.

Examples of Workshops:

  • We ARE Moving from Not Racist to Anti-Racist: Strengthening our racial literacy to examine the ecosystem of school systems.
  • An Introduction to Historically and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Building a foundation for culturally inclusive teaching.

Educators are often tasked with addressing difficult but necessary conversations around race, racism, identity, and politics. Our workshops encourage a shift away from seeing these conversations as “controversial” and instead recognize them as essential for creating just, inclusive spaces. Participants will receive strategies for fostering emotionally safe and politically affirming conversations that lead to transformation.

Examples of Workshops:

  • We ARE Open to the Uncomfortable: Talking about race, class, and culture with colleagues and students.
  • We ARE Moving Beyond Cultural Competency: Centering healing, community, and growth in transformative classrooms.
  • We ARE Weighing Impact, Intent, & Empathy*: Addressing hate speech, bias,  microaggressions and the difference between impact and intent related to racial harm.

 *Loving Me Helps Love Our Community Better is the student focused companion workshop.

We believe in the power of art as a tool for liberation and transformation. These workshops are geared toward artists and art educators looking to develop anti-racist and abolitionist practices through their creative work. You’ll gain strategies to use art for healing, community building, and social justice, helping students engage with art in ways that challenge the status quo.

Examples of Workshops:

  • Abolition in Arts Education: Developing art-specific anti-racist practices.
  • We ARE Expanding Our Pedagogical Practice: Cultivating strategic partnerships with co-teachers for more impactful arts education.

Our approach to education centers on joy, care, and love as essential tools for liberation and transformation. These workshops explore how to infuse your educational practices with empathy, human connection, and empowerment, resisting the white supremacy culture that prioritizes productivity over well-being. Join us in creating educational spaces where joy and love are seen as powerful agents for change.

Examples of Workshops:

  • We ARE Utilizing a Love-Ethic to Enact Change: Using love as a guiding principle for practice development.
  • We ARE Resisting White Supremacy Culture: Embracing holistic care policies in schools and organizations.

Whether you're looking to expand your understanding of anti-racist education, develop transformative art practices, or foster a culture of care and joy in your school, our workshops provide the tools and resources to guide you on your journey toward liberation.

Explore Our Workshops Today! We invite K-12 educators, school leaders, artists, and nonprofit organizations to connect with us and discover how our workshops can help you transform your practice. Contact us to find the right workshop for your team or schedule a customized session tailored to your institution’s needs.

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Student Workshops

Empower Young Learners

Our student workshops aim to empower young learners with skills and knowledge that support personal growth and community engagement. Sessions cover topics such as:

  • Self-Esteem Building: Fostering a positive self-image and confidence.
  • Conflict Resolution: Techniques for managing and resolving conflicts constructively.
  • Civic Engagement: Encouraging active participation in community and social issues



In response to the rise in bias and hate speech, this workshop teaches students the power of language, the difference between intent and impact, and how to build stronger, more inclusive relationships within their community. This is a companion workshop that is taught in conjunction with the teacher training.


A Custom Approach for Lasting Change

Our team has been leading systemic change in communities of every size.  From small school districts and local community-based organizations to national non-profits and global corporations, our unique approach allows us to reimagine the world we live in while creating tangible change.

Transform your school or district with our comprehensive, customizable packages designed to address your unique needs and drive systemic change. All plans are available on a sliding scale.

 To get started, schedule a FREE informational session with our team. After that initial call, we will send along a custom proposal for your consideration.

Get Started


Understanding your starting point is essential for driving meaningful change. We partner with schools and districts to provide two key assessment tools:

  • Community Needs Assessment Survey
    Deploy our comprehensive, research-based Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging survey to your community, with customizable options available.
  • Key Stakeholders Focus Groups
    Gain deeper insights into the experiences of students, teachers, parents, and community members through focused, two-hour sessions.

Unlock the hidden narratives in your data. Our data audit process analyzes the past 3-5 years of records in critical areas:

  • Student Discipline
  • Graduation & Matriculation
  • Human Resources
  • Climate & Culture
  • Partnerships

Our team of content area experts is prepared to complete a full curriculum audit, identifying any gaps in the curriculum, sharing resources for teachers, and incorporating our basic framework which challenges educators to teach students in more complex, accurate ways.

Unlike other programs which only focus on English and History curriculum, our Curriculum Audit looks for opportunities to decolonize your curriculum in every subject, afterschool learning opportunities, and during assemblies. 

Empower your educators to lead the charge in creating equitable and inclusive environments through our professional development offerings:

  • Professional Development
    Our signature three-part series helps educators explore their own stories, challenge dominant narratives, and gain practical tools for creating change. Customizable professional developments are available based on your school's needs, and access to our online database of pre-recorded workshops is included.
  • Facilitating Difficult Conversations
    If your school has experienced a specific racist incident or needs to address sensitive topics, our experienced facilitators will guide these conversations to ensure they are constructive and informed.
  • Healing Circles
    Support your staff well-being with Healing Circles designed for self-care and emotional recovery. Sessions can be offered to all staff or focused on specific groups.


Our work is not just theoretical; it directly impacts the lives of those most affected by systemic injustices. Students from marginalized communities benefit from our programs,gaining access to quality education, holistic support, and opportunities for self-expression.

We are proud to collaborate with a diverse range of businesses and organizations. Below is a selection of logos representing our valued partners:


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